Sunday, June 13, 2010

What I Know So Far

In November, I applied to be an exchange student to Italy through AFS. I was accepted shortly after, and then I began what I expected to be the long wait to find out where I would be going and who would be my host family. Then, one day in February I came home from school and my mom said she had something to tell me. She had received an email from AFS that had my host family's name, location, and basic info! Stoked. The email told me that I would have 2 host sisters, one my age and one older, and a host mother and father, and that I would be living in Martina Franca, Italy. Martina Franca is is in the south of Italy, on the heel of the boot, and it is a town of about 50,000 people. The weather is really nice year round(EDIT: this is not true. the internet says it is but now that i am here i have realized that is complete crap.) and there are a lot of beaches around(also not exactly true, i've been to the beach once), which I'm looking forward to so much. My school is called Tito Liveo. Also, my host family has a swimming pool (it's been empty since i arrived)! So I was so excited to find all of this out and I found my host sister, Daniela, on Facebook and I have talked to her as best I can with my minimal Italian! Then, about a week ago, my Visa application packet came in the mail, and it had my departure and return dates in it! I will be leaving New York on September 9th, 2010, and leaving Italy on July 10th, 2011! I can barely wait to leave, but I guess 87 days isn't too much, and summer will make it go by faster!
Until I find out something new, Ciao!